રાજ્ય સરકારે વર્ગ 3ની ભરતી માટે મોટા ફેરફાર કર્યા, હવે દ્વિ-સ્તરીય પરીક્ષા પધ્ધતિ લાગુ કરવામાં આવી વર્ગ-3ની પરીક્ષામાં કોઈ પણ પ્રકારનું વેઈટિંગ લિસ્ટ જાહેર કરવામાં આવશે નહી ભરતી બોર્ડના નિયમોને આધિન પરીક્ષાનું આયોજન કરવામાં આવશે Image : pixabay રાજ્યમાં સ્પર્ધાત્મક પરીક્ષા માટે સરકારે મહત્વના ફેરફાર કર્યા છે. ગુજરાત સરકારે વર્ગ 3ની ભરતી માટે મોટા ફેરફાર […]
Month: May 2023
Gujarat Police Bharati Join
Gujarat police how to join full details upcoming Bharati details To join the Gujarat Police, you’ll need to meet certain eligibility criteria and follow the recruitment process. Here are the general steps involved:Eligibility Criteria: You must fulfill certain requirements, which typically include age limits, educational qualifications, and physical fitness standards. These criteria may vary based […]
Heatstroke: ભારતમાં હાલ ઉનાળાની સિઝન ચાલે છે ત્યારે ગરમી ને લઈને અવાર નવાર સમાચારો સંભળાતા હોય છે. ત્યારે વાત કરવામાં આવે તો હવામાન ખાતાની આગાહી મુજબ આપણા ગુજરાત રાજયમાં હિટવેવ (લૂ) શરૂ થઈ ગઈ છે ત્યારે આ ઉનાળાની કાળઝાર ગરમી હિટવેવ (લૂ) થી બચવા શું તકેદારી રાખી જોઈએ તેની માહિતી મેળવીએ. હિટવેવ (લૂ) હોય ત્યારે તકેદારીના […]
National Scholarship Portal (Nsp) Login, Status & Registration
National Scholarship Portal (Nsp) Login, Status & Registration Form 2023@Helpdesk.nsp.gov.in National Scholarship Portal (Nsp) Login, Status & Registration FormThe Schools / Institutes with valid DISE or AISHE codes can register on NSP. To know whether Schools / Institutes is registered on NSP Portal or not, go to https://scholarships.gov.in and click on “Search Institute/School/ITI” provided on […]
GCERT Text Book PDF STD 1 to 12 All Medium Download
GCERT Text Book PDF STD 1 to 12 All Medium Download GCERT Text Book PDF STD 1 to 12 All Medium Download Text Book,Text Book PDF,Gujarat Text Book PDF,STD 1 to 12 Text Book ,GC Diya listens to children when they read and offers realtime positive feedback when they read well and helps them out […]
Staff Nurse Recruitment 2023
Staff Nurse Recruitment 2023 Staff Nurse Recruitment 2023: IKDRC Hospital has announced huge recruitment for 650 Staff Nurse Posts, interested and eligible candidates can apply online till 16th May 2023 5:00 PM. Online application can be done on the official website of Civil Hospital https://ikdrc-its.org/, keeping in mind the interest of the candidates, the direct link […]
7 Refreshing Desi Drinks To Keep You Hydrated In The Summer Months And Health Tech Tips
7 Refreshing Desi Drinks To Keep You Hydrated In The Summer Months And Health Tech Tips During summers, the human body loses fluid excessively due to regular sweating. Not having enough fluid in the body can cause dehydration, fatigue, headache, weakened immunity and dry skin. While the best way to hydrate ourselves is by drinking […]
Gujarat Tablet Scheme 2023 Online Registration NAMO Tablet Yojan
Namo Tablet Yojana 2023: Online Registration Gujarat Namo Tablet Yojana Registration 2023 @digitalgujarat.gov.in Helpline Number | Namo E-Tablet Sahay Yojana Apply Online, Beneficiary List – We all know that many government schemes are started by the Central Government and the State Government to help the students in our country, similarly the Gujarat State Government has started Namo Tablet Yojana and […]
TCM TALATI Exam 2023 solved paper
TALATI 2023 EXAM PAPER PAPER AND SOLVED Dream11 is a popular fantasy sports platform that allows users to create virtual teams consisting of real-life players who participate in various sporting events. Users can then participate in contests with their teams and compete against other users’ teams. Here’s how Dream11 works:Choose a sport: Dream11 offers fantasy […]
सफलता का रहस्य / Secret of Success in Hindi
Story of Inspire एक बार एक नौजवान लड़के ने सुकरात से पूछा कि सफलता का रहस्य क्या है? सुकरात ने उस लड़के से कहा कि तुम कल मुझे नदी के किनारे मिलो. वो मिले. फिर सुकरात ने नौजवान से उनके साथ नदी की तरफ बढ़ने को कहा.और जब आगे बढ़ते-बढ़ते पानी गले तक पहुँच गया, […]